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- ^ 1.0 1.1 Bronfenbrenner, Martin, Two Concepts of Economic Freedom, Ethics, 1955, 65 (3): pp.157--170 [2021-07-25], (原始内容存档于2021-12-23)
- ^ Sen, Amartya, Rationality and Freedom: 9
- ^ Freeman S. (2003). The Cambridge Companion to Rawls p. 4 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). Cambridge University Press.
- ^ Economic Freedom and its Measurement. The Encyclopedia of Public Choice 2. Springer: 161–171. 2004. ISBN 978-0-7923-8607-0.
- ^ Surjit S. Bhalla. Freedom and economic growth: a virtuous cycle?. Published in Democracy's Victory and Crisis. (1997). Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9780821348628
- ^ Easton, Stephen T.; Walker, Michael A., Income, growth, and economic freedom, American Economic Review (American Economic Association), May 1997, 87 (2): 328–332
- ^ Ayal, Eliezer B.; Karras, Georgios, Components of economic freedom and growth: an empirical study, Journal of Developing Areas (Western Illinois University), Spring 1998, 32 (3): 327–338
- ^ Scully, Gerald, Economic Freedom, Government Policy, and the Trade-Off Between Equity and Economic Growth, Public Choice (Kluwer Academic Publishers), 2002, 113 (1-2): 77–96
- ^ Berggren, Niclas, Economic Freedom and Equality: Friends or Foes?, Public Choice (Kluwer Academic Publishers), 1999, 100 (3-4): 203–223
- ^ Economic Freedom of the World 2005, Fraser Institute
- ^ De Haan, J. and C. L. J. Siermann (1998). Further Evidence on the Relationship Between Economic Freedom and Economic Growth, Public Choice. 95: 363-380.
- ^ Heckelman, Jac C., Stroup, Michael D. (2000). Which Economic Freedoms Contribute to Growth? Kyklos 53(4):527-44
- ^ Franklin Roosevelt's Annual Address to Congress - The "Four Freedoms". January 6, 1941 [November 10, 2008]. (原始内容存档于2008-05-29).
- ^ Jacoby, Daniel. Laboring for Freedom: A New Look at the History of Labor in America (eBook). Armonk, NY: ME Sharpe. 1998: 8-9,148,166-167. ISBN 9780585190303.
- Friedrich Hayek, The Constitution of Liberty
- Friedrich Hayek, The Road to Serfdom
- Milton Friedman, Capitalism and Freedom
- Ludwig von Mises, Economic Freedom and Interventionism (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- Amartya Sen, Development as Freedom
- Economic Freedom (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) by Robert A. Lawson of the Fraser Institute at the Concise Encyclopedia of Economics
- John Miller, "Free, Free at Last (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)" in Dollars & Sense magazine
- The Protection Of Economic Rights & Freedoms